How often have you felt good because you've eaten better, then stepped on the scale only to see no change and revert back to your old habits? Our society has become so obsessed with weight loss and the number on the scale, but in all honesty, health is so much more than that! The number on the scale does not show the bigger picture of health. Here’s why you should try not equate your health to the number on the scale.

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The circadian cycle is our biological clock. It is the day-night rhythm that regulates all the body functions and processes. It is important for us to eat with the circadian cycle to achieve optimal health and well-being. What does this mean for our eating pattern and when will our body react the best to food within the circadian cycle?

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Activated charcoal has been popping up in all sorts of foods and drinks lately. The most common at the moment is the black bread bun. Although the black bun does not look appealing, there is the belief that the activated charcoal found in these foods and drinks can ‘detox’ the body. Is this true?

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Our society has become far too focused on being ‘thin’ rather than being healthy. And there will always be those that will rebel against this and say that you can be healthy, beautiful and happy even if you are overweight. Can this be true? The answer is however not as simple as ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but is rather a combination of the two.

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Detox diets are popular diets that claim to make you feel younger, healthier, and more energized. So is this something we should be doing on a regular basis? Let's take a look.

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People will often try ANY fad diet to lose weight. A fad diet is any weight-loss plan that promises quick and easy weight loss (through what is generally an unhealthy, unbalanced diet). Many people prefer to try the quick fix instead of making the effort to lose weight through long-term changes to their eating and exercise habits, even if they know that they are difficult to follow long-term and generally do not result in long-term weight loss. Fad diets are popular because they give people the instant gratification of quick weight loss.

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We need food for energy so that our bodies can function optimally. Sounds simple, right? But if it were that simple we wouldn’t have the obesity crisis that we are currently faced with. Somehow, through our lifestyles, learned habits, stress and emotions we have focused off of what our bodies need, and instead have moved toward being too busy to eat and grabbing the nearest convenience foods when we are starving. And whether this comes with a weight issue or not, people are generally tired, have energy dips later in the day, and their bodies are just not functioning at their best. Our eating habits and behaviours are important to correct if you want long term success.

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One of my main goals when helping clients with their eating is to empower them get out of a fad dieting habit and learn how to eat intuitively. A fad diet is a popular weight-loss plan that promises unrealistic results such as fast weight loss and unfounded health improvements. Usually these diets are not healthy and don’t result in long-term weight loss. I find that they play havoc with people’s health, both physiologically and psychologically, and make people very weight and number focussed.

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Are you unhappy with yourself? Are you thinking of going on a diet again to make yourself happier? Diet culture is everywhere. Type the word ‘diet’ into google and you’ll find enough diet options to choose from. So which one will you choose? How do you choose from the hundreds out there? Or should you even be choosing one?

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What do you do when you’ve veered off from your eating plan? Do you call yourself a failure and throw in the towel? Or are you able to look at the situation objectively, learn from it and move on? We all make mistakes*, especially when it comes to food and eating. We have to learn to accept that.

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What’s happening with your cravings? Are you managing to keep yourself busy and not needing food to combat the boredom, or is it so bad that you’re stopping by the kitchen every few minutes?

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How many times have you found yourself going to the kitchen to look into the fridge or cupboards in these last few days of lockdown?

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