Become nourished and nurtured with Kim's NutritionWith many years of experience, we are dieticians with a difference. We strive to provide you with the absolute best advice and plans for your journey to your better self.
When we first started out in 2005, our passion for making an impact in your health and wellness drove us to focus our work on finding ways to help you make the changes that you know you should or want to make. It starts with knowing the basic rules of healthy eating and works once you learn how to feed your body intuitively.
In our years of practice we have come to realise that most people do know the basic rules of what healthy eating is. Yes, there may be a little (or a lot of) confusion, as there is just too much conflicting information on the internet currently, but we mostly know the basics - we should eat more whole, unprocessed foods (such as vegetables and fruit) and try to stay away from 'junk' and overly processed foods.
Where we have found knowledge is lacking is how to put it all together.
Our Westernised eating style does not help our bodies to function at their best. We define the Westernised eating style as eating little during the day (often skipping breakfast) and eating most of your calories at night. Do you fall into this cycle?
This works against our natural physiology, as our bodies work best in the mornings (specifically looking at digestion of food and utilisation of energy). Many studies have shown that when people, within a weight loss diet, eat a bigger breakfast and small dinner (versus a small breakfast and big dinner) they lose more weight, and specifically more weight around their waist. That’s good news.
We need to learn how to get into that good eating pattern and correct any unhealthy habits that we have formed over the years.
We can teach you how to set up your eating plan correctly, focusing on getting the balance of your meals right and through time, figure out where you are stumbling and what it is that is holding you back. We will work with you to keep you on track so that you can undo your unhealthy behaviours over time.
How do the sessions work?We start off the
initial consultation working through your medical, exercise, weight and diet history. We then teach you some important concepts that you will need to incorporate into your life. We work out your eating plan based on what you are currently eating, your likes and your goals.
In the
follow up consultations we help you identify where things are going well and where you need to focus your energy. You will generally leave with a couple of goals to work on. It is mostly about behaviour and habit changes but also learning to listen to, and trust your body.
How long does process take?This is not an easy one to answer as it is completely individual. And it does of course depend on how much energy you put into making the changes. However, we cannot do much in one session and we do always suggest that clients come in for follow ups as changing habits takes time. We find that after about 3 months clients are generally ready to have longer periods between their follow up sessions.