What do you do when you are under stress? Most people find it difficult to continue with their healthy eating habits. They either eat to fill their emotional void or grab some fast food just because there is no time to prepare something healthy. But that’s not the only reason why weight gain is so prevalent during stressful times. The hormone that may be making life difficult for you is cortisol.

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Humans have evolved to digest and utilize carbohydrates (or foods that convert into sugar in the body) as a form of energy. I believe that most people can eat carbohydrates, but the important point is which ones you eat as well as how much of them that you eat. Added sugar (or sucrose) is the form that you should take in the least. Although carbohydrates do convert into sugar, they bring a lot of other goodness to your diet such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber, and this is not the case with added sugar.

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Focussing on food quality is such an important part of health and healthy weight. Are you trying to lose weight by counting calories? Has this become your main focus? By moving away from calories and rather focusing on good quality food you will naturally eat less as this food will give your body exactly what it needs. Read here for more tips and ideas on how to make quality choices.

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We’ve all heard it before: ‘You need to chew your food 20 times before you swallow’. Is this actually true, and if yes, why should we be chewing so much? If you look at some articles on the internet, the number of chews ranges from 20-50 per bite of food. Sounds great, but is it realistic?

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