‘Weight loss’ New Year’s resolutions are all too common, and unfortunately are often also broken by the first week of January! I think that it is great that people are trying to be healthier but I believe how many try to do it is what is causing the high ‘failure’ rate. When people go ‘on’ a (quick fix) diet they have often not made effective goals for their journey. Goals are the groundwork for the journey to health and often I find that when it is just based on a number it is easy for life to take over and old habits to creep back.

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Do you love food, but also want to lose weight? You CAN eat delicious, satisfying food AND lose weight. Your meals do not need to be boring and you certainly can eat a decent amount of food. Most people will lose weight on a 1500kcal diet. Do you know how much food that is? Let’s take a look at a simple sample meal plan:

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What do you do when you are under stress? Most people find it difficult to continue with their healthy eating habits. They either eat to fill their emotional void or grab some fast food just because there is no time to prepare something healthy. But that’s not the only reason why weight gain is so prevalent during stressful times. The hormone that may be making life difficult for you is cortisol.

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Focussing on food quality is such an important part of health and healthy weight. Are you trying to lose weight by counting calories? Has this become your main focus? By moving away from calories and rather focusing on good quality food you will naturally eat less as this food will give your body exactly what it needs. Read here for more tips and ideas on how to make quality choices.

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